Every Condominium Corporation has restrictions setting out what owners can do with their units. Usually an owner is able to decorate the unit as desired, but may not do anything that changes the appearance of the building or the exterior. Usually a unit owner cannot remove a wall, change plumbing fixtures, install appliances or replace flooring without the permission of the Board. If the unit owner wishes to build a fence, install a satellite dish or a patio, or make other changes to the Common Elements, the Act requires that the unit owner must have the approval of the Board and the Corporation, depending upon the change. The unit owner would have to meet the requirements imposed by the Board and sign an agreement in which the obligations in relation to the change are set out. With commercial condominiums, unit owners typically receive shell units on occupancy and are expected to complete the interior of the units themselves. However, the developer always requires significant restrictions and approvals for any changes to the Common Elements.