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I want to change the use of my property from an industrial to a commercial use. Is this possible? What planning approvals do I need?

Likely a municipality would require you to apply for a rezoning approval as opposed to a minor variance approval from its Committee of Adjustment. An application for a rezoning to change the use of land is typically submitted to the Planning and Building Department of the municipality. Ultimately, City Council determines whether a rezoning should be permitted; however, the process of approval winds through the municipal channels and subcommittees, with the possibility of public meetings before the final Council decision is made. The decision to approve or reject an application is made by Council after this process is completed and the input of the public, planning staff, and commenting agencies is provided. Decisions of Council may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. If the City Council approves the rezoning application, a specific amendment to the zoning bylaw would be passed, and subject to the completion of any further conditions or site plan approval processes, you would be able to commence the new use.

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43 Queen Street West, Brampton, ON, Canada L6Y 1L9
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